英検準1級 短文の空所補充【解答1】

問題1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. The (  scout  ) was sent ahead to survey the terrain before the army moved forward.
    a) scout     b) inquiry   c) thread

    Scout: A scout is someone, who goes out to explore or look for information, like a scout in the woods looking for a good campsite.
  2. The factory was fined for releasing (  sewage  ) into the river.
    a) compensation b) luggage  c) sewage

    Sewage: Sewage is dirty water and waste that comes from toilets, sinks, and drains in houses and buildings.
  3. Employees received a bonus as (  compensation  ) for their outstanding performance.
    a) copper    b) compensation  c) vice

    Compensation: Compensation is something, usually money, that someone receives in exchange for something they lost or suffered, like getting paid for a job or getting money because of an injury.
  4. Be careful not to pull too hard on the (  thread  ) or it might break.
    a) pesticide   b) thread    c) scout

    Thread: Thread is a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other material that’s used for sewing or weaving.
  5. The thieves were caught trying to steal (  copper  ) wiring from the construction site.
    a) copper    b) cuisine    c) inquiry

    Copper: Copper is a reddish-brown metal that’s used for making things like pipes, wires, and coins.
  6. Always use gloves when handling (  pesticide  ) to avoid any health risks.
    a) luggage    b) pesticide   c) vice

    Pesticide: A pesticide is a chemical substance that’s used to kill pests, like insects or weeds, that can damage crops or cause problems.
  7. She decided to explore the local ( cuisine  ) by trying different restaurants in the area.
    a) cuisine    b) thread     c) compensation

    Cuisine: Cuisine refers to the style or method of cooking, especially associated with a particular region or culture, like Italian cuisine or Chinese cuisine.
  8. After a long flight, passengers waited eagerly for their (  luggage  ) to appear on the carousel.
    a) inquiry    b) luggage    c) scout

    Luggage: Luggage is the bags, suitcases, or containers that you use to carry your clothes and other belongings when you travel.
  9. The committee launched an (  inquiry  ) into the allegations of corruption within the organization.
    a) vice     b) inquiry     c) copper

    Inquiry: An inquiry is a formal investigation or question about something, often to gather information or find out more details.
  10. Smoking is considered a (  vice  ) that can lead to various health problems.
    a) compensation b) vice      c) sewage

    Vice: Vice refers to immoral or wicked behavior, like gambling, drinking too much alcohol, or other bad habits.