英検準1級 短文の空所補充【解答3】

問題1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. The charity showed great (  mercy  ) by providing aid to those in need during the crisis.
    a) mercy               b) errand                   c) swarm

    Mercy: When you have mercy, it means you are being kind and forgiving to someone who has made a mistake or done something wrong.
  2. She went on a quick (  errand  ) to the grocery store to pick up some milk and bread.
    a) curator             b) errand                   c) collision

    Errand: An errand is a small task or job that you do for someone else, like going to the store to buy something for your mom.
  3. A (  swarm  ) of bees gathered around the hive, buzzing loudly in the warm summer air.
    a) swarm                         b) archive                  c) practitioner

    Swarm: A swarm is a big group of things, like bees or birds, all gathered closely together.
  4. Understanding the (  fundamentals  ) is essential for excelling in higher-level math.
    a) fundamentals   b) spike                      c) toll

    Fundamental: Something that is fundamental is very basic or important, like the first building blocks you need to understand before you can learn more complicated things.
  5. The museum (  curator  ) carefully preserved and documented each item in its collection.
    a) curator             b) collision                 c) archive

    Curator: A curator is a person who takes care of a collection of things, like a museum curator who looks after all the art pieces.
  6. The two cars narrowly avoided a (  collision  ) at the intersection by braking just in time.
    a) practitioner      b) collision                 c) mercy

    Collision: A collision happens when two things crash into each other, like when two cars bump into each other.
  7. The medical (  practitioner  ) had years of experience treating patients with various ailments.
    a) spike                 b) practitioner           c) toll

    Archive: An archive is a place where important documents or records are kept safe for a long time, like old letters, photos, or historical papers.
  8. The number of COVID-19 cases saw a sharp ( spike  ) in the last week.
    a) toll                    b) spike                     c) swarm

    Practitioner: A practitioner is someone who regularly does a certain activity or job, like a doctor who practices medicine or a musician who practices playing an instrument.
  9. The highway (  toll  ) had to be paid before entering the city.  
    a) collision         b) toll                       c) errand

    Spike: A spike is a sharp, pointed object or increase in something, like a spike on a graph going up suddenly.
  10. Historians sifted through the ancient (  archive  ) to uncover clues about the civilization’s past.
    a) archive             b) mercy                    c) fundamentals

Toll: A toll is a fee or payment you have to make in order to use something, like paying money to drive on a toll road.