英検準1級 短文の空所補充【解答2】

問題1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. The (  evaporation  ) of water from the surface of the lake contributes to the formation of clouds.
    a) evaporation   b) output                   c) notion

    Evaporation: Evaporation is when a liquid, like water, turns into a gas, like steam, because of heat from the sun or another source.
  2. The corrupt official was caught accepting a (  bribe  ) in exchange for political favors.
    a) shaft                  b) bribe                      c) senator

    Bribe: A bribe is when someone gives money or something valuable to someone else in exchange for them doing something they’re not supposed to do, like breaking a rule or giving special treatment.
  3. The factory increased its (  output  ) by implementing new efficiency measures.
    a) spiral                b) revolt                    c) output

    Output: Output is what you get as a result of doing something, like the amount of work you produce or the number of things you make.
  4. Citizens took to the streets in (  revolt  ) against the oppressive regime.
    a) revolt     b) compartment   c) notion

    Revolt: Revolt is when a group of people rise up against the government or authority because they’re unhappy with the way things are being done.
  5. The train had a designated (  compartment  ) for passengers to store their luggage.
    a) compartment   b) evaporation          c) shaft

    Compartment: A compartment is like a small section or space that’s separate from the rest, often used for organizing things or keeping them apart.
  6. She had a vague (  notion  ) of how to solve the puzzle, but she wasn’t sure.
    a) notion              b) senator                 c) rage

    Notion: A notion is an idea or belief about something, even if it’s not based on facts or evidence.
  7. The (  senator  ) delivered a passionate speech on behalf of his constituents.
    a) output              b) senator                 c) spiral

    Senator: A senator is a person who is elected to represent a state or region in the government’s upper legislative body.
  8. The elevator ( shaft  ) descended several floors before coming to a stop.
    a) rage                  b) shaft                      c) bribe

    Shaft: A shaft is a long, narrow part or passage, like the long part of an arrow or the deep hole that an elevator moves up and down in.
  9. His ( rage  ) knew no bounds when he discovered the betrayal of his closest friend.
    a) spiral                b) compartment       c) rage

    Rage: Rage is a very strong and intense feeling of anger or fury.
  10. The dancer executed a graceful (  spiral  ) across the stage, captivating the audience.
    a) notion              b) spiral                     c) evaporation

    Spiral: A spiral is a shape that winds around and around, getting smaller or bigger as it goes, like a spring or a staircase.