英検準1級 短文の空所補充【解答4】

問題1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. The archaeologist unearthed a remarkably preserved ancient ( skull ) at the excavation site.
    a) skull       b) portrayal               c) asteroid

    Skull: The skull is the bony part of your head that protects your brain. It’s like a hard shell that keeps your brain safe.
  2. Farmers implemented an efficient (  irrigation  ) system to ensure their crops received enough water during dry seasons.
    a) enterprise         b) landfill                  c) irrigation

    Irrigation: Irrigation is like giving plants a drink of water. It’s when farmers use pipes or channels to bring water to their crops so they can grow.
  3. The artist’s (  portrayal  ) of the historical event captured the emotions of the time with vivid detail.
    a) arsenic b) portrayal   c) pottery

    Portrayal: Portrayal is when someone shows or describes something in a certain way, like in a picture, a story, or a movie. It’s how they choose to represent something to others.
  4. Scientists monitored the trajectory of the (  asteroid  ) as it passed by Earth’s orbit.
    a) landfill b) asteroid                c) persecution

    Asteroid: An asteroid is a big rock that floats around in space, kind of like a small planet.
  5. The ( enterprise ) grew from a small startup to a multinational corporation in just a few years.
    a) intuition                       b) pottery                  c) enterprise

    Enterprise: An enterprise is a big project or business venture that someone starts with a goal of making money or doing something important.
  6. The city faced criticism for its handling of (  landfill  ) waste disposal.
    a) irrigation          b) landfill       c) skull

    Landfill: A landfill is a big area where garbage and trash are buried under the ground.
  7. Elevated levels of (  arsenic  ) in the drinking water posed a health risk to the local community.
    a) asteroid                       b) arsenic       c) persecution

    Arsenic: Arsenic is a very poisonous chemical that can make people sick if they swallow it.
  8. The archaeologists uncovered ancient (  pottery  ) fragments that provided insights into the culture of the civilization.
    a) portrayal          b) pottery      c) intuition

    Pottery: Pottery is stuff like cups, plates, and vases that are made out of clay and then baked in an oven to make them hard.
  9. The religious minority faced (  persecution  ) for their beliefs, leading to their displacement from the region.
    a) skull      b) persecution          c) landfill

    Persecution: Persecution happens when people are treated badly or unfairly because of who they are or what they believe in.
  10. She followed her (  intuition  ) when making important decisions.
    a) irrigation          b) intuition   c) portrayal

    Intuition: Intuition is when you just know something or have a feeling about something without needing to think about it too much.