英検準1級 短文の空所補充【問題4】

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  1. The archaeologist unearthed a remarkably preserved ancient (  ) at the excavation site.
    a) skull       b) portrayal               c) asteroid

  2. Farmers implemented an efficient (    ) system to ensure their crops received enough water during dry seasons.
    a) enterprise         b) landfill                 c) irrigation

  3. The artist’s (    ) of the historical event captured the emotions of the time with vivid detail.
    a) arsenic     b) portrayal     c) pottery

  4. Scientists monitored the trajectory of the (    ) as it passed by Earth’s orbit.
    a) landfill     b) asteroid            c) persecution

  5. The (enterprise) grew from a small startup to a multinational corporation in just a few years.
    a) intuition              b) pottery               c) enterprise

  6. The city faced criticism for its handling of (    ) waste disposal.
    a) irrigation          b) landfill       c) skull

  7. Elevated levels of (    ) in the drinking water posed a health risk to the local community.
    a) asteroid              b) arsenic       c) persecution

  8. The archaeologists uncovered ancient (    ) fragments that provided insights into the culture of the civilization.
    a) portrayal          b) pottery      c) intuition

  9. The religious minority faced (    ) for their beliefs, leading to their displacement from the region.
    a) skull      b) persecution          c) landfill

  10. She followed her (    ) when making important decisions.
    a) irrigation          b) intuition  c) portrayal

英検準1級 短文の空所補充【問題3】

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  1. The charity showed great (        ) by providing aid to those in need during the crisis.
    a) mercy               b) errand                   c) swarm

  2. She went on a quick (        ) to the grocery store to pick up some milk and bread.
    a) curator             b) errand                   c) collision

  3. A (        ) of bees gathered around the hive, buzzing loudly in the warm summer air.
    a) swarm                         b) archive                  c) practitioner

  4. Understanding the (        ) is essential for excelling in higher-level math.
    a) fundamentals   b) spike                      c) toll

  5. The museum (        ) carefully preserved and documented each item in its collection.
    a) curator             b) collision                 c) archive

  6. The two cars narrowly avoided a (        ) at the intersection by braking just in time.
    a) practitioner      b) collision                 c) mercy

  7. The medical (        ) had years of experience treating patients with various ailments.
    a) spike                 b) practitioner           c) toll

  8. The number of COVID-19 cases saw a sharp (        ) in the last week.
    a) toll                    b) spike                     c) swarm

  9. The highway (        ) had to be paid before entering the city.  
    a) collision         b) toll                       c) errand

  10. Historians sifted through the ancient (        ) to uncover clues about the civilization’s past.
    a) archive             b) mercy                    c) fundamentals

英検準1級 短文の空所補充【問題2】

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  1. The (        ) of water from the surface of the lake contributes to the formation of clouds.
    a) evaporation   b) output                   c) notion
  2. The corrupt official was caught accepting a (      ) in exchange for political favors.
    a) shaft                  b) bribe                      c) senator

  3. The factory increased its (         ) by implementing new efficiency measures.
    a) spiral                b) revolt                    c) output

  4. Citizens took to the streets in (        ) against the oppressive regime.
    a) revolt     b) compartment   c) notion

  5. The train had a designated (       ) for passengers to store their luggage.
    a) compartment   b) evaporation          c) shaft

  6. She had a vague (        ) of how to solve the puzzle, but she wasn’t sure.
    a) notion              b) senator                 c) rage

  7. The (        ) delivered a passionate speech on behalf of his constituents.
    a) output              b) senator                 c) spiral

  8. The elevator (         ) descended several floors before coming to a stop.
    a) rage                  b) shaft                      c) bribe

  9. His (      ) knew no bounds when he discovered the betrayal of his closest friend.
    a) spiral                b) compartment       c) rage

  10. The dancer executed a graceful (       ) across the stage, captivating the audience.
    a) notion              b) spiral                     c) evaporation